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You can now buy How to Become a Mental Health Leader Within the Workplace at most major online book retailers.

Published on 6th July 2020, it’s now available in a variety of formats, so you can read it as a paperback or on a device that best suits you! 

It’s also available in a variety of countries and currencies, so you can get it on most continents. 

To order your copy, simply click on the link below.

Remember, by ordering this book, you’ll be supporting nurses experiencing physical and mental health problems or hardship as 30% of all book profits will go to Cavell Nurses’ Trust. So, you’ll be doing a whole heap of good, as well as learning about workplace mental health. To find out more about Cavell Nurses’ Trust, click here:

Buy the Book Direct 

You can buy the book direct from Wordzworth, the book's publisher. Just click on the link below.

Bulk Buying Discounts

If you wish to buy the book in bulk, discounts are available. Just contact James Fairview direct using the contact form or e mail address at the bottom of one of this website's pages and let him know how many books you'd like to buy. 

Look Inside 

The 'Look Inside' feature is available on Amazon, so you can see what the book is about before buying it.


If you don’t have access to these e-retailers or prefer to use an alternate one, simply look through the online retailers below and find one that you’re happy with. Most online retailers below should sell How to Become a Mental Health Leader Within the Workplace.

US & Canada:,, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor, Ingram Wholesale.


UK & Europe: AdLibris AB, Agapea,, American Book Center, Aphrohead, Limited, Bertram Books, Blackwell Library Supply, Blackwell Online, Blackwell’s Retail, Books and Periodicals Agency Ltd, Books etc. Ltd, Books Express Limited, CLC International (UK), Coutts ProQuest, Eden Ecommerce Ltd, Fishpond World Ltd, Gardners Books Ltd, Landabooks Ltd, Langham Partnership (UK & Ireland), Largeprintbookshop, Marka LDA, Mondadori Direct SPA, Ltd, SellerEngine Software Inc, Superbookdeals, The Book Depository Ltd, W & G Foyle Ltd, Waterstone’s Booksellers Ltd, Wrap Distribution.


Australia: Boffins Bookshop, Booked at North Ardelaide, Books for Cooks, Bookshop Darlinghurst, Booktopia, Campion, Campus Bookshop, Constant Reader, CO INFO Pty Ltd, David Pawsons Ministries, Devonport Bookshop, DLS, Australia PTY Ltd, Farrells Book Shop, Fishpond Retail, Four Rivers Bookshop, Fullers Bookshop, James Bennett Pty Ltd, Jeffreys Books, Julian Wood, Bookseller, Kinokuniya Book Stores, Koorong, Mary Who Bookshop, Matilda Bookshop, MDM Books, Medical Book Centre, Mercury Retail Pty Ltd, Peter Pal Library Supplier, Readings Pty Ltd, Riverbend Books, The Bookhaven, The Coop, The University Co-Op, Thesaurus Booksellers, University Books, UNSW Bookshop.

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