If so, How to Become a Mental Health Leader Within the Workplace will help you:
Take a strategic approach to mental health
Empathise with employees with mental health issues
Develop a management framework within which mental health interventions can sit (eg. mental health first aid, awareness, mindfulness, resilience)
Develop a pro-mental health culture
By giving you plenty of management methods, tools and ideas
Identify how to include mental health in employee engagement activity
Understand various ways of measuring mental health performance
Minimise legal risks, especially related to mental health negligence
Comply with health and safety law as it relates to mental health
Prepare for ISO 45003 (psychological health and safety)
How to Become a Mental Health Leader Within the Workplace aims to bring about a seismic change in the mental health of your employees, which in turn could lead to increased employee wellbeing, improved productivity, increased employee loyalty and reduced sickness absence. Watch out for the book this summer.